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Welcome, you will articles, code, and random bits of knowledge that I have come by on this site.


I obtained my Technician Plus licensed in 1996, and attempted to leave Morse but learned at a much faster code speed than the 5WPM test so I failed miserably. I operated on VHF for many years, was rather involved in the Western District Net in the National Traffic System, and enjoyed jumping through the packet system in Western New York. This system is what lead me to what I studied in college and a career afterwards.

During college I was inactive, and did not return until around 2010-2011. Using a general test study podcast, I forget the name I think there was a Rich on it, I passed my General test in 2011. I also started watching Ham Nation around the same time, which helped rekindle the passion for the hobby. I upgraded to Extra in 2016, and have been studying Morse for the past few.years.

In 2017 I was able to attend my first Hamvention, aka Dayton. While there I stumbled into the AMSAT booth and ended up walking away with what would turn out be a book that lead me to some of the most enjoyment I have ever had in Amateur radio. I read through the entire AMSAT book the night after purchasing it. In the morning I purchased an Arrow antenna and a TH-D74a so I would be ready to start listening to passes. I made my first confirmed FM satellite contact on August 2nd 2017 at 0110 on AO-85. I have logged thousands of satellite contacts since, worked over 500 grids since then, and activated (roved) to 28 grids. It has been the most enjoyment I have ever had on the air.


